The IUU listed vessel Kily (the name under which she is IUU listed by CCAMLR) was spotted leaving Singapore a week ago transmitting the new name RAY through its AIS signals. The global register of ships IHSF consequently updated its records to show vessel name “RAY”.
The aim of these frequent flag changes is to avoid being recognized as the IUU listed vessel when entering ports. All members of CCAMLR, the international body managing fishery resources around the Antarctic, are required to refuse IUU listed vessels access to ports.
The vessel was put on the CCAMLR IUU list for fishing without a license in the southern Indian Ocean in 2006, then with the “Tropic”. The vessel has subsequently changed name to Constant, Kily, Ray and now possible Constant again. Although what the vessels’ registration papers say may be different from what is painted on the hull.
Thus, when the international ship registers had updated the vessel information with the new name “Ray”, the captain changed the AIS signal back to the old “Constant”
Image captions:
1) IUU listed vessel Kily transmitting the name "Ray" in Singapore, March 1st
2) IUU listed vessel Kily entering the Indian Ocean transmitting her old name "Constant" through her AIS