Our Impact
The ultimate aim for all activities targeting illegal fishing and associated crime, whether you are a government or non-government actor, is to achieve a compliant fishery.

The higher the compliance, the lower the risk of illegal activities, and the more effective and cost-effective fisheries enforcement can be - which is particularly crucial for low-income countries.
TMT is unique in our operations and methodology to achieve this goal.
We combine expert and trusted fisheries intelligence provisions and analytical assistance with the development of cutting edge tools, targeted capacity building, facilitation of regional and national cooperation, and a low profile and trusted relationship with our partners.
We seek to ensure strong cooperation with State and non-State actors across the full spectrum of the fight against illegal fishing and associated crimes, and strive to be a global leader in the centralisation and analysis of information about the often opaque global fishing fleet and the companies that operate them.

The result of our work is:
Better informed and trained fisheries and related personnel, with access to information and skills that directly strengthen their ability to identify, investigate and penalise illegal fisheries operators.
The building of regional cooperation between countries, allowing information sharing and cooperation, and reducing the places illegal operators can operate and hide.
The building of national inter-agency cooperation within countries, strengthening national controls and building effective and cost-effective MCS systems.
The strengthening of vessel inspections, investigations and arrests, which in turn has led to millions of dollars in fines collected by Governments, and increased revenue from legal licensing.
The strengthening of licensing and flagging application due diligence processes, so countries don’t flag or license high risk vessels that are likely to violate laws.
The building of capacity through targeted training in fisheries intelligence gathering and analysis; monitoring, control and surveillance (MCS) operations; build cases and chain of custody of evidence, and the provision of relevant equipment and tools.
The identification of the modus operandi of illegal operators, including fishing operations, document fraud, vessel identify fraud, fish laundering, crew abuse, and corruption. In tune this has contributed to increased awareness of illegal fishing and broader fisheries crime at the technical, political and business levels.
Evidence-based information to international partners and processes strengthens legal framework and processes.
Public access to up to date information on all IUU listed vessels to all stakeholders, reducing access by these vessels to ports, markets, licenses and insurance.
An extensive and ever-growing overview of the global fishing fleet, the associated companies, their operations and compliance history, providing a unique intelligence picture and risk profiles.