The FCWC, TMT and the European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA) are working together to onboard and train new staff at the FCWC Regional MCS Centre (RMCSC).
The first of a series of trainings was provided 24-26 May 2023. The content covered was designed to ground the RMCSC staff in the regional context in which they now work and ensuring a common base-level understanding of key concepts such as monitoring, control and surveillance as well as mandates and roles.
This forms part of a comprehensive human capacity building programme which aims to achieve self-sustained human capacity.
Development and delivery of technical training programme is done jointly by TMT and EFCA in response to recent secondments by Member States of the FCWC, including staff that have been specially assigned to the RMCSC. However, the vision of the programme is longer term than this, including internalisation of capacity building for future RMCSC Staff and dissemination of human capacity to FCWC Member States.
Going forward, the training will address increasingly complex issues, culminating in training of trainers. The next stage of training is anticipated to take place in mid-June 2023, focusing on systems, data and analysis.