JD Kotze – An African Champion in the Fight Against Illegal Fishing and Environmental Crime
News & Updates
Video - Steering Group Meeting Intelligence-Led Fisheries Port Controls
New Report 'Intelligence-Led Fisheries Port Controls' Programme Pilot Phase
Free webinar: ‘Arming Fisheries Managers with Open Access Vessel Information and Insights to Eliminate Illegal, Unregulated and Unreported (IUU) Fishing'
TMT welcomes new Executive Director
WATF 16 Building cooperation in West Africa’s fisheries management
Inter-agency cooperation and intelligence-led fisheries port controls in Liberia
Technical development for intelligence-led fisheries port controls in Ghana
Inter-agency cooperation and intelligence-led port controls in Madagascar
We're hiring a Communications Manager
We're hiring an Operations Coordinator
FCWC WATF Launches Phase 3 Activities with Workshops in Nigeria
National working group in Togo to strengthen inter-agency cooperation
Celebrating 10 Years of Action to End Illegal Fishing
The 15th FCWC West Africa Task Force meeting and 3rd Steering Group meeting in Abidjan
Joint Analytical Cell supports a joint patrol operation with technology, analysis and intelligence to target illegal fishing in the Gulf of Guinea
Inter-agency cooperation and intelligence-led port controls in Kenya
Improving fisheries governance in Senegal
Information Sharing and Strengthening Inter-agency Cooperation Benin
National workshop on strengthening inter-agency cooperation in fisheries MCS in Mauritius
MCS Practitioners Introductory Guide to Trawl Fishing
Fisheries intelligence report reveals vessel behaviors associated with spoofing activity
TMT launches search for new Executive Director
We're hiring our first Operations Coordinator
Canada and UK Announce Partnership with Joint Analytical Cell to combat IUU Fishing
National workshop on strengthening inter-agency cooperation in fisheries MCS in Seychelles
SPOTLIGHT ON: The exploitation of company structures by illegal fishing operators Updated
7th Global Fisheries Enforcement Training Workshop Halifax
Inter-agency workshop in Madagascar toward strengthening national cooperation to fight IUU fishing
Ocean Reporting Network Call for Fellows
FCWC West Africa Task Force to Hold Fourteenth Regional Meeting in Lomé
Charting a Blue Future for West African-China Cooperation on Sustainable Fisheries
Marine Insurers Prevented From Doing Business With Vessels Fishing Illegally
FCWC, TMT and EFCA onboard new staff at the Regional MCS Centre
Inter-agency workshop in Guinea: trialling drone technology to support fisheries port controls
Ending IUU caught imports - Inter-agency meeting in Nigeria
Case Studies Ultimate Beneficial Ownership
National Efforts Towards PSMA Implementation in Ghana
Inter-agency Cooperation to End IUU Fishing in the Union of Comoros
FCWC to Hold 14th Session of Ministerial Conference to Advance Regional Fisheries Cooperation
TMT and IMCS Network launch MCS Practitioner's Guide to Carrier Vessels
Vessel Tracking Workshop in Taiwan
Intelligence-led Fisheries Port Controls Steering Group Meeting in Kenya
Multi-agency training on PSMA-related data and intelligence in Kenya.
Regional Fisheries Meeting Scheduled for Cotonou, Benin
Inter-agency and FMC training workshops in Guinea
Net closing on illegal fishers through launch of new insurance tool
Implementation of the FAO PSMA in Cote d’Ivoire
PSMA Implementation interagency workshop in Togo