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TMT Partner in Transparency, Technology and IUU Fishing UNOC Side Event

United Nations Ocean Conference, 2022

Tuesday 28 June, 13:15 - 14:30 (Lisbon, Portugal)

Interactive Dialogue Room

The Transparency, Technology and Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing side event will focus on concrete actions that are based on science, and implemented via innovative tools and technologies, that can be taken to secure a healthy, thriving and vibrant ocean.

The 75-minute event will launch an IUU Action Alliance; profile the new Joint Analytical Cell (JAC), which provides authorities with fisheries intelligence, data analysis and capacity building; announce a contribution from Canadian space technology company MDA of the global space-based earth observation data archive to the International community in support of the UN Sustainable Development Goals; and showcase leading transparency and technology-based initiatives undertaken by the participants.

The session will offer three clear actions that all nations can take to follow suit; (1) Join the IUU Action Alliance, (2) Engage with and support the JAC; and (3) Access the global space-based earth observation data archive.

High Level Opening (20 minutes)

MC | Canada

Remarks | Seraphin Dedi, Secretary-General, Fisheries Committee for the West Central Gulf of Guinea

Remarks | Bloomberg Philanthropies

Special Announcement | Dr Minda Suchan, Vice President, MDA Geointelligence

Panel Discussion (25 minutes)

Moderated by Tony Long, Global Fishing Watch

Panellist | Representative, Ministry of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard, Canada

Panellist | Mrs. Dana Zambrano, Undersecretary for Fisheries from the Ministry for Production, Foreign Trade, Investments and Fisheries, Ecuador

Panellist | Honourable Mr. Steven Victor, Minister of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and the Environment, Palau

Panellist | Mr. Abraão Vicente, Minister of the Sea, Cabo Verde

Panellist | Duncan Copeland, TMT, on behalf of the Joint Analytical Cell

Audience Q+A (10 minutes)

High Level Closing (15 minutes)

Remarks | The Rt Hon Lord Goldsmith, Minister for the Pacific and the International Environment, The United Kingdom Remarks | Monica Medina, Assistant Secretary, Bureau Of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, The United States

Closing Remarks | Joyce Murray, Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard, Canada


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