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Multi-agency training on PSMA-related data and intelligence in Kenya.

8 November 2022

A two-day multi-agency workshop was held in Mombasa, Kenya in late October at the Kenya Fisheries Service Monitoring, Control and Surveillance Centre.

The training, delivered by TMT, focused on data analysis to support assessment of advanced requests for port entry (AREPs), building on the previous workshop held in the same location earlier in the year. The intention is to build capacity to make informed decisions regarding and use by industrial fishing and related vessels.

Participants used various tools, including SeaVision, Vessel Viewer and public records and databases, to analyse vessel behaviour and identity against information provided in AREPs. The process involved extensive practical sessions with personnel from multiple agencies working together to analyse real vessels.

Kenya is one of the pilot countries participating in the ‘Intelligence-led fisheries port controls’ programme, an initiative by TMT and Global Fishing Watch (GFW) aimed at supporting African States in implementing the FAO Port State Measures Agreement. Further support will continue to be provided to Kenya under this programme.

Working with FAO, Kenya has completed a gap assessment which has resulted in a roadmap for PSMA implementation. All future support to Kenya in the area of port State measures will take into consideration the work of the FAO and others, ensuring both effectiveness and efficiency with a view to creating synergy.


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