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National workshop on strengthening inter-agency cooperation in fisheries MCS in Mauritius

A national interagency workshop was held in Balaclava, Mauritius between 15

and 16 August 2023 as part of the work under the ECOFISH project to strengthen

interagency cooperation for fisheries MCS in EA-SA-IO countries.

The workshop was attended by representatives from: Ministry of Blue Economy,

Marine Resources, Fisheries and Shipping, Fisheries Division, Shipping Division,

Mauritius Port Authority, Mauritius Police Force, National Coast Guard, Port Police,

Port Health, Ministry of Health and Customs. Also present were representatives

from TMT and the Indian Ocean Commission (IOC).

TMT is working with the IOC and seven countries in the region to improve

interagency cooperation on fisheries MCS by first assessing their existing status

of interagency cooperation, and then holding a workshop to identify gaps and

priority areas for future action while discussing possible means of improving


The workshop provided an opportunity to:

  • Present the methodology used for this evaluation and the results of the preliminary desk-based analysis carried out prior to the workshop;

  • Refine this initial gap analysis;

  • Consider the current systems in place for four priority areas that require interagency cooperation, as identified during the first steps of the analysis (At sea patrols; Port State measures; Implementation of the NPOA-IUU;

  • Licencing and registration of fishing vessels);

  • Consider the extent of interagency cooperation currently in place and discuss how this cooperation could be reinforced;

  • Discuss tools and approaches likely to facilitate interagency cooperation, including examples from other countries and regions and

  • Identify possible next steps that could be taken to strengthen interagency cooperation in Mauritius.

Presentations were made by the IOC, Fisheries Division, National Coast Guard

and TMT.

Each presentation offered an opportunity for discussion on strengthening cooperation, including through formalisation and expansion.

A key outcome of the workshop is a list of agreed priority areas to be pursued in

order to strengthen interagency cooperation in Mauritius with a view to

improving fisheries management and combating IUU fishing.

ECOFISH is implemented by the Indian Ocean Commission (IOC) and funded by

the EU.

This project builds on the foundations of SMARTFISH and the Regional

Fisheries Surveillance Project (PRSP) and this activity aims to identify areas of

fisheries monitoring, control and surveillance (MCS) where interagency

cooperation is needed and consider how such cooperation can be formalised.


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